Legal Protection of Instrumenter Witnesses if there is a Problem with a Notary Deed


  • Yulianto Syahyu Faculty of Law, University of Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya



legal protection, instrumenter witness, notarial deed


Instrumenter witnesses are witnesses who play an important role in the inauguration of a notarial deed so that if the existence of this deed witness is not fulfilled, then based on the law regarding the position of a notary, the deed only has the power of proof as an underhand deed. Instrumental witnesses who were present at the inauguration of the deed were included in the notarial field, but in the law regarding the position of a notary which is the only law regarding notarialty, it has not regulated the protection of the witness. This research is a normative legal research using a statute approach and case approach. The results showed the position of the instrumenter witness is only limited to qualifying the formality of the deed only. Regarding legal protection for instrumenter witnesses to date the arrangement has not been regulated in the notary office law even though there has been a law on the protection of witnesses and victims but in fact not enough to provide legal protection for instrumenter witnesses.Thus, a law thatspecifically protects the rights of instrumenter witnesses due to their function relating to notary deeds



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Law and Regulation

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Law No. 31 of 2014 on Amendments to Law No. 13 of 2006 concerning The Protection of Witnesses and Victims.

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