Independence of the Attorney General in the State Governance System to Realize Justice Law Enforcement
Independence, Career, Attorney GeneralAbstract
The independence of the Prosecutor has so far been the subject of much debate. This is inseparable from the position of the Prosecutor's Office itself as a government institution, the Attorney General is a political position, while its function as a law enforcement institution raises many questions "can the Prosecutor's Office be able to work independently in carrying out its functions, but the position of the Prosecutor's Office itself is part of the government. Efforts to free the prosecutor's office can be started by placing the attorney general out of the cabinet and making the attorney general, not a political position. Attorney General should be a career position, unlike today which is a political position. So, ideally, the attorney general is not responsible to the president, but to the people's representative institutions. Meanwhile, the attorney general, who has been appointed by the president, must be confirmed to be appointed by the president as head of state after previously receiving a proposal from the DPR. Candidates for an attorney general must be recruited by an existing young attorney general and is a career attorney. The Appointment of an attorney general outside the existing young attorney general tends to lead to double loyalty. In addition, the attorney general should not be taken from the political community as an effort to depoliticize the prosecutor's office. Even if the attorney general was forced to appoint a non-career attorney, it would be better if someone who knew the attorney general's kitchen was in addition to their clear track record.
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